Wednesday, March 11, 2009

onefish, twofish, redfish, bluefish

innitial, superfical musings on the beginnings of my course....

...the 1st week of the my Creative Technologies course started (after innitial embarrassment) with a hiss and a roar!!!
thinking in new ways, using various technologies, and forming ties with the other humans who are to be my peers for the next three years.

two things made me gulp and scratch my head in quizical fashion;

*the scope of the coding, programming, and tech jargon I am going to have to get my head around. I was aware that such things as FTP's, http's and URL's existed, but was unaware of how to interact with them, what they are, and how vital this knowledge will be for me on this new path.
-What the hell is a Proxy?

i suspect that my digital success so far is due largely to the free availability of so much intuative software, and less to the fact that I was isolated from lots of new technology until the relatively late age of about nine or ten, when we finally got a permanent, stable power system for our home. i didn't even get my Sega Master System II until I was 11. it was amazing!!!

*the demographic of my class. -by interactions, visual appearance and the social networking project (that we did on the first tuesday of the course), I have experienced a wide range of styles, perspectives, preferences and interests within the group. There I met people with similarities to myself, and people who are wholy different to me.
I look forward to learning with/from my peers and tutors, and am interested to see the relationships we form and how we relate to one another throughout the coming days, weeks, months and years....

nice pond...


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