Saturday, May 23, 2009

urban video effects project

we have created an apparatus that allows us to explore and capture footage of the urban environment in a new way. ours is a spinning device designed with the idea of city life in mind. we have made short films of our own urban perspectives and gained a unique insight into auckland city.


"urbanization occurs naturally from individual and corporate efforts to reduce time and expense in commuting and transportation while improving opportunities for jobs, education, housing, and transportation. Living in cities permits individuals and families to take advantage of the opportunities of proximity, diversity, and marketplace competition." -(

"urbanization in developing countries involves changes in social support and life events which have been shown to affect mental health; mainly depression and anxiety

*while was researching i found a link to a short film made by jim henson in the 1960's. you can see emergence of film editing and effects within, and is a good comparison for what is achievable now on an everyday basis using technology;

slow motion shot of a water balloon being burst.

i found the following clip while i was storyboaring my ideas. ...the trumpet has no relevance to what i am trying to achieve in this project, but the perspective changes when looking at the city were very interesting. the focus on squares and straight lines when depicting the city is very suggestive.

the following url shows a gyroscopic construction uses some tricky application of physics and a bike tyre to create spining motion and hold the tyre on an improbible axis;

i also discovered a related video of a neat gyroscopic cradle that demonstrates exaggerated phsical force which is exuded upon the device;

interesting spin effects...

spin video link

camera zoom spin...


+first chosen concept - multi clamp mount...

below is some test footage we did to decern what we thought we could expect from our multi-clamp concept. we invisaged an extendable, articulating, multi directional camera mount that could be attached to various transport sources and used to showcase the urban environment of auckland city.

sadly, we found examples of similar work on the net and people we asked didn't seem to respond very enthusiatically when we showed them the drawings of the stand/clamp. our concept framework for this peice was a bit scattered but recived moderate intrest.
i discussed this slight setback with my godfather (who is a prototype enginneer) later that day. he said; "that is how this type of work is. we must be flexible, versitile, sensitive to what the client wants, and ensure we provide a worthwhile product...".

+rail dolly concept footage...

another concept was to make something that attached to hand rails. the following footage is done by hand in an inner city apartment stairwell;

+innitial concept and direction...


above: collage of us using some heavy machinery to create and refine our device. some tools (like the grinder) were hand held and not very precise, whereas, we used the milling machine and lathe to create exact angles, cuts, notches etc.

below: these are components of our device at various stages of completion.

we made refinements as we encountered problems. one major hurdle was that the first version of our steel 'D' tab (top right of above collage) was made with badly pressed steel plate so it came apart when bolted together. we also saw it was not going to sit flush with the nut it was to be welded to. the refined version is seen with my hand behind it.

mig welding was new to all of my group. this ensured we had a few dodgey attempts at metal joins, constant refits for practicality, and lots of grinding. we even had to cut the slot plate off of the top of the base so that we could change the mounting system from steel tubing with a fixed bolt, to a peice of tapered tubing and an angle at the bottom of the threaded shaft. the change was neccessary because the threaded mounting system was slow to use and (frustratingly) kept locking the main shaft to the stand.

below is a doomed attempt at a weld. the join was patchy and lumpy because we had the argon sheilding turned down too low on the mig. we thought it would still be strong enough but unfortunately it snapped during setup for a shot the next day. the end of the construction faze i was feelin more confident with this machine and produced some decent welds.

final video device (photo taken at 'one tree hill' shooting location);

workshop safety

i tried to keep myself safe and those around me safe in the workshop. i listened to all of the technicians advice and warnings...

...and still recieved a nibble on the thumb from an angry peice of steel tubing that i wasn't paying enough attention too;


test footage, refinements and investigation;

my original idea of showcasing the random, caotic feel of the city is still seen in my footage but i feel the need to explore the full potential of what i can do with our video device before making any concrete decisions as to my short film direction. to do this i have been trying to capture a large range of footage to see what works the best. i've captuerd footage at different times of the day and night, in a variety of locations, with selected tilt angles, and with subjects at varied depths.
unexpectedly, when i did a take on the top of one tree hill last night with my partner in the foreground i got some really interesting footage. this surprised me as i thought it would be too dark to get anything worthwhile;

during the daytime shoot in downtown on the 28th i was able to con two unicyclists into cycling circles around me to emulate the spinning pov. it is fun but doesn't stay true to the function of the video device so will probably not use it in my final edit.

the following footage was shot from the middle of the intersection of victoria and queen street. we worked out the sequence of the lights then ran out into the middle of the road to set up the camera before everyone walked across the road. needless to say, we recieved lots of funny looks and a few people even stopped to ask about the project. generally, people were positive and wanted to help us. ...thanks auckland.

the more footage i take the clearer my direction becomes. the two themes that i see in my results so far are: 'structured chaos' due to the mish-mash of visuals coupled with constant spin and tilt change, and visually grating images due to the constant spinning. ...i am starting to realise the inherent value in exploring possibilities without preconception of what i'll find;

this is taken with the camera facing inwards to create an inverse effect;

this was shot at the foot of one tree hill, under a canopy of pohutkawas - it was raining and there is a blob of water on the lens;

*my sister suggested that the traffic island outside her work would suit a night shoot with our device. i was sceptical due to the light but we gave it a shot. i am really happy with the result as you see nice contrast and lots of different patterns (pedestrian crossing, blurred lights, interesting light arcs etc).


...with the urban environment;

to me, the urban environment is characterised largely by cold grey tones, constant noise and straight lines interrupted by constant spurts of organic life. thus, i have tryed to canvass as many different facets of urban life as i could. the footage gives the viewer experiences of chaotic city life as we know it in auckland.

... with people;

another main element of the urban environment is its inhabitants. we are the colour on the canvass of the city. our presence here changes the very nature of this environment. so many poeple have come up to me to ask me what i am doing while i have been filming. they have helped to inform my practice and direction throughout the project. i think this constant dialogue has been imperative to the success of this project because of the nature of the relationship between a city and its people.


to edit my film i have used FinalCut Pro and Motion, by Apple. this process has been interesting but excruciating... i figured out how to layer and fade video streams, create title screens in motion and many other sneaky tricks to render footage etc. the main difficulty i had was keeping within the 2-3 minute timeframe. to counter this i made a 'directors cut as well as a shorter cut. also, this comes back to being flexible and able to meet the demands of the client or brief.

i added a backing audio track that i took from a ten minute video i shot while an alarm was going off near my mums inner city apartment. this grating, constant noise adds to the idea of sensory overload (like many seem to feel in the urban setting) and acts as a background medium for other audio to play over.

alpha channel washout occurred on some of the sped up samples but i decided it suited the film and created an interesting effect in places.

also, i added a stationary video after the first clip. i used the first, spinning image as an intro to the main body of the film, then, with the stationary take i was trying to give the audience a familiar orientation from which the proceeding spinning footage can be related.

the different versions of 'urban spin' and trial edits are available on youtube. links are in the 'urban spin video project finals'.

directors cut;


i have worked really hard on this project, learnt lots about movie making and have achieved very respectable results. i was heavily involved in all aspects of the project and helped others when i could.

i found most aspects of the construction stage easy as i have worked with metal and heavy machines lots before. mig welding held its challenges but my attempts got better the more i did.

the interactions and discussions i had with my group, peers, random passers by and my lecturers, has helped me focus and refine my direction constantly. this fluid, responsive work method has ensured my project outcomes have relevance to our aim and the brief guidelines, and helps involve potential audience.

i find it very interesting how my discussions with people of this urban environment have informed, validated and help me explore possibilities. in a way, they are part of my audience as well as contributors. what they read into the footage, the device and how we use it gives the work purpose and connection to this urban setting of tamaki makau rau, auckland.

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Saturday, May 9, 2009

interactive music visualisation

opi the technoshroom cat been greased up and shot into outer space!!
this time the goal is to explore the outer reaches of space and a handy peice of software known as 'processing 1.0'...

i have used music is by sola rosa(nz), for this example, beause the song matched the concepts of exploration and space oddessy so well. however, the broader objective is to have more involvement and interaction with any chosen music that a user wants - not being as involving and time consuming as a game but being a fun, interactive way to display graphic information about chosen songs - an upgrade up for the current monotonous visualisations attached to programs such as Media Player.

below is the link to where you can see my sketch. unfortunately the music with it has been cut even though there is no legal issue with using the intended sound files;

*to try my sketch with sound just save a copy of the mp3 audio file to the sketch folder and swap the "title of your" song with "Edge of a City.mp3".

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Sunday, May 3, 2009

opi the technoshroom cat

'processing 1.0' is a peice of programming software designed to be used as a digital sketch pad. it uses basic progamming language to execute visual and interactive presentations. it was an uncertain leap into coding for me...

opi-shroom-cat' is a character based on my kitten opi. this is his phychedelic freakout!!!

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