Wednesday, August 19, 2009

VERB CAPTURE & Interview With a Sticky Laptop


Interview With a Sticky Laptop.

Why are you valued?
I give the ability to interact with the digital realm. I make playing internet games, access to facebook and video sharing possible. I help provide info and enjoyment.

Why not a different type of computer?
Laptop is small enough to carry around. I am a small but powerful.

How much are you worth?
I have an arbitrary monetary value of a couple of thousand dollars but am valued differently by different people in different contexts.
I have more value for the owner as I store precious pic’s, vid’s and work for them.

Why are your keys sticky?
I don’t wanna talk about it.

What do you need to function?
As a computer – I need a power source and input for purpose. ….As an object I merely need space to occupy.

Do you have a soul?
Does not compute????

Would you like to go somewhere after this?
I DON’T CARE!!! I have no preference of my own.

Why don’t you care?
I am a machine, I am passive. There to be used.

What are you afraid of?
Not being used. Being obsolete. Being smashed.

Do you have a religion or fundamental principle you live by?
Binary. Input. My programming is my ‘religion’.

What do you like about yourself?
My sleek, ergonomic cowling and my small but powerful harddisk is what is suspect I would say if personified. But I truly don’t care!!!

What don’t you like about yourself?
I truly don’t care!!!

If you were a person, what would you look like?
I suppose I’d look like the rest of you. Fleshy, hairy, changing.

What would you like to look like?
No preference. Human adverts often tell me if I was to be personified I’d want to look trim, muscley, tanned and sexually appealing to other humans.

What do you mean I don’t care?
Your behavioural nature suggests you have no preference. You do nothing to assert yourself. From what I can see you have no perceivable manifestation of your own will.

But don't I achieve your will for you?


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