Wednesday, March 11, 2009

i need some sugar, where is my neighbour?

social networking

what connections are there between us, how can we use this knowledge, and how does this affect our relationships and creative outcomes?

social networking helps us to draw connections between nodes (people, places, things) that without looking at data as a big picture -in relation to others- we might miss. we can use this information to help us interact and make sense of the virtual and material worlds that we live in.

below are images of us constructing a physical representaion of a social network using postits, wool and staples. the data was collected from the year 1, Creative Technologies students at AUT.

the most apparent commonalities are; the use of 'facebook', dogs for pets, and a surprisingly low number of bloggers. The latter changed almost immediately!!!

how do we fit in with the world at large, and how do/can i influence those around me by what i say and do? ...


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